You May be Getting in the Way of Your Own Hiring Process

You May be Getting in the Way of Your Own Hiring Process

With competition for talent greater than ever before, companies struggle to really connect with candidates and engage them to the point of accepting their offers. Some companies use a hiring process that doesn’t work in the current hiring climate. Some are getting in the way of their own hiring. Here are some of the situations that may be getting in the way of your hiring success.


One way that employers stand in the way of their own success is that they allow their corporate ego to control them. For example, when managers spend the majority of an interview talking about the themselves and boasting about their successes, they lose sight of the purpose of the meeting; to get to know the candidate. You want to illustrate how working for your company will benefit their career goals. When a candidate senses ego during an interview, they may assume that the company’s leadership is plagued by ego and may be hard to work with. People like to know they have a voice within the company, and that they will be recognized. Keep it humble and focus on the candidate.

Confirmation Bias

We all have unconscious biases. Confirmation bias refers to the idea that people believe what they want to believe. If you see evidence that supports a belief that you have, you’re likely to accept the evidence to be true without digging in to verify. Confirmation bias can lead you to make reckless hiring decisions. Confirmation bias can also prevent your company from having a diverse, balanced team. As a leader, you need to understand that first impressions can be deceptive, and you need to remain open-minded. Don’t make assumptions about people based on the superficial; these things may not relate to how well they can perform the job.

Not Enough Focus on the Candidate Experience

We are often so focused on filling the position that we forget about the candidate’s experience. They shouldn’t be made to feel like they’re on trial during an interview. An attraction-based interview model is best. Spend time sharing the positive highlights of the opportunity, helping them to see how the position will benefit them. Treat the candidate with respect and make them feel welcome. They need to be able to envision themselves working in the environment and fitting in with the culture.

Hiring is a challenge and hiring well is an even bigger challenge. Don’t make it harder by standing in your own way. To avoid obstructing the hiring process, check your ego at the door, take the time to identify any confirmation biases you might have, and make sure you try to see things from the candidate’s viewpoint.

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