How Using a Search Firm Can Help You Land Candidates You Otherwise Wouldn’t Be Able to Access

How Using a Search Firm Can Help You Land Candidates You Otherwise Wouldn’t Be Able to Access

There are many talented professionals in the insurance industry, but most companies don’t have access to those potential employees. The best talent isn’t on job boards or filling out applications. Many of them are employed and aren’t even actively looking for job opportunities. Working with a search firm can help you find better candidates.

They Have an Extensive Network

Search firms have excellent networks. If you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut or have exhausted your network, a search firm should be your first call. They know more people than you do, even in your own market. With a search firm, you will be able to open new avenues that you haven’t explored yet. Recruiters know the market inside out and know where to find the good ones.13

They Have Tried More Things Than You

Recruiters have tried just about every recruitment technique imaginable. They know what works and what doesn’t. They have toolsets and pipelines that will help you find talent faster. They also have the personality traits and skills needed to use the tools effectively. In addition, they simply have more time to devote to recruiting and more time to experiment with recruiting tools.

There Are Many Benefits to Using a Third Party

If you poach candidates from competitors on your own, it negatively affects your company’s reputation. Recruiters don’t have the same restrictions. They can poach talent from your competitors and protect your reputation in the process. Another benefit of using a third-party search firm is that they can sing your company’s praises more readily. If you spend too much time highlighting how great your company is, it can come across as bragging. This can be off putting. Candidates will be more receptive when they hear the praises from a third party.

They Have Info About Companies They Can Share

A recruiting firm will have placed candidates in every major company in their niche. They can share with candidate’s information from other people they have placed. Other candidates give recruiters feedback, and they can use these testimonials to your advantage. Chances are if you work with a recruiter, they will place multiple candidates for you.

Using a recruiter will give you access to candidates you wouldn’t have access to normally. Since most companies have a limited network, and top talent is hard to attract, the tools that recruiters have can be invaluable. They have resources you don’t and can help you find and win over top talent.

Are you looking for top talent in insurance, accounting or banking?

Contact us to learn more about how we can streamline your hiring process and get you the talent you need to succeed. Our focus on developing strong relationships and long-term partnerships in our specialized practice areas is the advantage that keeps our clients in the top positions as industry leaders.

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