So, You’ve Hired a Recruiter . . . Now What?

So, You’ve Hired a Recruiter . . . Now What?

Working with a recruiter can help you find the perfect candidate to join your team, but for the partnership between you and the recruiter to pay off, you need to approach the partnership strategically. Working with a recruiter requires excellent communication, honesty and transparency, and realistic expectations.


A recruiter seeks out candidates who align with your company’s needs. This requires expert communication on both your part and the part of the recruiter. When working with a recruiter, clear communication should be a top priority. It should be prompt and precise; you need to be able to communicate to the recruiter what your hiring needs are accurately. Hiring is time-sensitive, if a recruiter calls you, they expect a response within the day.

Give Honest Feedback

Providing honest feedback is one of the most important things you can do when working with a recruiter. During the interview phase, you need to be able to tell the recruiter your honest opinion about the candidate. What did you like about them? What concerns do you have? By giving substantial feedback, the recruiter will be able to adjust their search criteria to find candidates who better match your requirements.

Expect It to Take Some Time and Effort

The recruitment process takes times and arduous work. Depending on the role, the recruitment process can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 120 days. Keep in mind that recruiters who speed through the process may not be putting in the effort needed to successfully match the company with the perfect candidate. Yet, you’ll save time overall by using a recruiter because you won’t have to devote as much time to the ins-and-outs of the entire hiring process.

Expect a Partnership

You will act as a partner throughout the entire process. The recruiter will work closely with your company throughout the recruitment, interview, hiring, and onboarding phases. They will even help you navigate negotiations, the offer, and counteroffers. There are many moving parts to recruiting beside finding qualified candidates. You should expect a complete partnership between your company and the recruiter.

Finding high-quality candidates who are ready to uproot for a new opportunity is no easy task, especially in this market. Even hiring managers with decades of experience struggle with the complexities of hiring. It can also be time-consuming and expensive. Working with a recruiter who specializes in your niche can make the process much less stressful. But for the interaction to work well, you need to communicate effectively, provide honest feedback, and approach recruitment as a partnership.


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