Woman drinking coffee thinking
Newman Group Search
Serving the insurance industry for 30+ years
co workers looking at a doc
Your company's future depends on what you do today
Hire the best people – achieve great results.
man explaining a document
Insurance Recruiters
Building innovative business and leadership teams for insurance companies nationwide. We're an industry-leading insurance executive search firm.
man listening in meeting
Finance & Accounting Solutions
Meeting complex business challenges with the greatest talent. Partner with Newman Group Search, a leading finance and accounting executive search firm.
We're invested in building better business partnerships.
Working as a community makes us all stronger.

What We Do

Newman Group Search is a leading insurance executive search firm delivering great talent to insurance companies.

We pride ourselves on understanding the diverse business sectors and criteria of the firms we serve.

We work with partner companies in delivering exceptional talent from the individual contributor to the C-suite.

We bring innovative solutions to meet today’s business challenges.

Our industry experience allows us to identify and attract great people.

Let us guide you through your next chapter. Your next move begins here.

Sanford Rose Associates® – Newman Group is an independently owned and operated office of SRA International, Inc., an organization in its 50th+ year of offering executive search services. We specialize in a client-focused approach to recruiting experienced executives, management, and individual contributors. We work on behalf of our client companies to search for and recruit highly qualified professionals.


Newman Group Search has decades of recruiting experience in commercial insurance and employee benefits.

Finance & Accounting

Agile businesses rely on sound financial advice and accurate, timely information on business performance and profit.


Completed Searches
Candidate Network
Years Of Experience

Track Record Of Success

When we “lace up” at the beginning of a search on behalf of a client, we know that speed and access are the most important things our clients need from us. Here’s what that looks like.

Searches Completed In Under 30 Days
Client’s Candidate Retention Rate
Engaged Searches Completed

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